About MissFits Workout

MissFits Workout® provide accessible friendly community based movement opportunities for people who don’t feel ‘at home’ in the gym - because every body deserves to feel the benefit of physical activity without judgement.
— MissFits Workout vision statement

Intentionally different from the mainstream

MissFits Workout® was designed as a true 'entry level' dance based workout for people who don't feel at home in the gym. Rather than scaling back routines, participants in each class build up the moves together. You are encouraged to work at the level that works for you and your body (both in terms of intensity or complexity) - you decide when to push yourself and when to take it easy. The focus is about finding the joy in movement and exercise.

MissFits Workout® is for bodies of all shapes and sizes (designed with fat bodies in mind - by an actual fat bodied instructor!) and for people who are reluctant to join a mainstream class (for confidence reasons or because you're looking for a fitness space without diet/intentional weight loss/negative body talk). Some classes include optional chair based routines or stretches and there is no floor/mat work - so you do not need to worry about getting up and down from the floor. Any jumps are optional extras - it’s possible to take part fully in every class whilst always keeping at least one foot on the ground!

Some of our participants use MissFits Workout® as a stepping stone to build their confidence or fitness before moving on to try something new (we have some great local recommendations). Some have become MissFits Workout® regulars! Whatever your reason for joining MissFits Workout® - you're always welcome to join us when you feel like you need a bit of Missfits magic!

The moves we do might be similar to those you'd find at other dance based fitness classes - there's an essence of those moves - but what we offer is intentionally different. We're here to meet the needs of the audience who (for whatever reason) need something (intentionally) different.


“This class is honestly the most fun I’ve had since COVID took over the world - thank you so much and I can’t wait for Monday!”

— Chrissy - Online and Face to Face class participant

How does body positivity, pro-fat acceptance and anti-diet fit in with MissFits Workout?


“I'm fat, I'm anti diet culture and pro fat acceptance. I feel very strongly that it's time the fitness industry separated itself from the diet industry in order to better serve us all.

You don't have to be body positive or anti diet to come to (or enjoy) my fitness classes - you don't necessarily have to give up your own diet to join us but it is important that every MissFits Workout® dance space a safe space away from diet talk or negative body talk. This helps those of us with a disordered relationship with food and/or our bodies an opportunity to enjoy exercise. To feel comfortable in our bodies as they are.

I'm always happy to talk more about my ethos and Health at Every Size to those who are interested. It's not something I bang on about in class - although I feel actions speak louder than words.”

— Becky - on Instagram

Want to know more?

Check out some of these interviews and appearances with Becky and MissFits Workout

Public appearances

Podcast appearances

In the Press

Radio appearances

  • BBC Radio Essex interview with Jodie Halford in January 2019 (a few months before qualifying and setting up MissFits Workout)

In books
