Our MissFits Mandate
Before you take part in any MissFits Workouts, we ask you to read and agree to our class guidelines - the ‘MissFits Mandate' outlined below.
You will be asked to confirm you have read and are happy to abide by them in order to take part - it helps to keep our spaces safer for everyone!
MissFits Workout provides movement and exercise opportunities for people who don’t feel at home in the gym - we are an actively inclusive organisation and welcome people from marginalised groups/communities (including but not limited to people marginalised because of their race, gender (such as trans, non-binary and gender questioning folks), sexual orientation , disability, body size or health status (including mental health)).
The purpose of MissFits Workouts are to provide safe and individualised exercise to bring enjoyment, improve wellbeing, confidence, health and fitness to all bodies regardless of their shape, size or fitness level.
In order to make this a safe and welcoming space for all participants (including those who have previous experience of disordered eating or negative body image) we all agree not to make comments about the shape or size of our bodies (or anyone else’s) and refrain from diet talk, weight-loss or restrictive eating conversations in class. All bodies are good bodies and worthy of enjoying movement without judgement here!
Each session will begin with a warm up and end with a cool down and stretches. Taking part in these elements will reduce the risk of injury (such as strained ligaments, muscles and joints).
The main work out will include cardiovascular activities – walking, jogging, jumping, lunging, turning. There will be variations in levels of intensity/impact and complexity.
You can decide what you wish to take part in and how hard you wish to ‘push’ yourself.
Variations could include:
· Reduce intensity/impact by stepping instead of jumping, taking smaller steps or ‘marching it out’.
· Increase intensity/impact by jumping a little higher, raising legs/arms higher, moving further.
· Reduce complexity by concentrating on the steps – ignore the arm choreography – or ‘freestyle’ your own!
Some of these benefits of taking part in exercise such as a MissFits Workout class include:
· Improved mental and physical wellbeing
· Improvement in psychological function - including self-esteem and confidence
· Feeling good in your skin – releasing endorphins and feeling empowered!
· Improvement in aerobic fitness and strength
· A decrease in risk of heart disease
· Improved blood pressure
Avoid dehydration by drinking water during the class – take a break for a drink whenever you feel you need to.
For most people, physical activity should not pose a problem or hazard. There are a small number of people for whom physical activity might not be appropriate or for those who should seek medical advice before taking part. Please speak to the instructor before taking part if any of these apply to you:
· Been diagnosed with a heart condition and advised to avoid some types of exercise.
· Experience pain in your chest during exercise.
· Had chest pain in the last month.
· You lose your balance due to dizziness or lose consciousness.
· Have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in physical activity.
· You are currently on medication for blood pressure or a heart condition.
· You are pregnant.
You are free to stop participation in the session at any time (this includes stopping when your movement needs are met or if you’re feeling fulfilled or tired). If you are feeling unwell, you are advised not to take part in the session.
By attending a MissFits Workout class/session you are agreeing to be respectful and kind to all other class participants for the safety and comfort of everyone. Anyone found to be in breach of this request or any of the requirements outlined above may be advised not to take part or be required to leave a session for their safety or the safety of others.
Relax and enjoy! There’s no wrong way to move your body – Freestyle is always welcome!