Newsletter - May 21
Hello Marvellous MissFits!
I hope you are well and coping OK as we slowly come out of the COVID restrictions and try to return to some of the activities that we love – whether that’s connecting with friends in a pub garden or getting back to groups or clubs – it’s great to reconnect – even if it’s also a little overwhelming. Be kind to yourself and take your time to adjust.
It’s been a little while since I’ve written to you! But as there’s quite a lot to tell you about what’s happening in May for MissFits Workout®! So I’m sending this newsletter to past and present MissFits as well as those who have signed up to our mailing list. Some of the news relates to online classes and some to face to face classes – so please just focus on the bits that are relevant to you!
As you probably already know, at the end of last year I decided it was time to get a proper website – with the option to sign up for a newsletter! Many of you have signed up (thank you!). I’ve just added an extra bit onto my website package so I can send beautiful newsletters to you – but (typically!) it isn’t allowing me to use the list including those of you who have already signed up to the newsletter…! It’s probably user error on my part, but whilst I try to work it out – could I ask you to please subscribe to the newsletter again! (Or sign up if you haven’t already done so). You can sign up at the bottom of any page of the website or as you checkout if you’re buying a Class Pass or any of our MissFits Merch.
Bank Holidays in May
It’s been a busy few months for MissFits Workout® and although I’d originally thought about holding classes on the May Bank Holidays, I’ve decided that we all deserve a little break – even me!
Many of you know that this is my side-hustle alongside a full-time job and that I’ve been juggling both over lockdown. As my little business has grown, I’ve realised that a huge amount of my ‘down time’ is now taken up with MissFits Workout® activities – which I absolutely love – but there’s not much time to rest… And in order to give you my best – I really should practice what I preach and listen to my body…
The other day, whilst umming and ah-ing about whether to do the Bank Holiday classes this time (and worrying about letting my marvellous MissFits down), I saw a post on Instagram that said ‘You are not a machine. You’re supposed to take breaks. You deserve to rest’ and I took it as a sign! So there will be no classes on either of the May Bank Holidays!
You can still take part in a pre-recorded MissFits Workout® if the mood takes you – either with our FREE YouTube offerings or (if you’re a Class Pass Holder) one of the pre-recorded classes!
Face to Face News
Since our brief time at Philip Morant School (which feels like a lifetime ago - before the pandemic), I’ve been in regular contact to find out about reopening – but there are no current plans for them to do so.
So I’ve been looking at alternative venues and have been able to secure the same day and time at St Benedict’s College! So we’ll be starting classes there from the first Wednesday in May!
Booking in advance via the website is essential for COVID compliance for both Monday (@Hythe Community Centre) and Wednesday (@St Benedict’s College) classes.
We’ve also got our fingers crossed that we’ll be holding classes indoors from 17th May if/when restrictions lift!
I’m also thinking about offering a face to face (or combination of face to face and online) Class Pass in a few months – let me know if you’d be interested!
Online Classes & Class Pass News
We’re now 4 months into trialling our monthly Class Passes! I’ve had some lovely feedback to say you’re finding it useful to have a bit of flexibility accessing recordings when you can’t make it to a live streamed classes (or if we have a few technical hitches!).
As we move into May, we’ve got a couple of weeks where we’re still having to do our classes outside, whilst also moving to a new venue. This is a bit of a technical worry for me and I don’t want to have the extra stresses if the technology lets us down…! For that reason, I won’t be advertising the May Class Pass widely…!
But I also need to see if the technology works – so I’m hoping that some of you will sign up for our bargain May Class Pass to help us test the connectivity of the new venue and make use of the class recordings instead if the tech lets us down! This reduced rate is offered for May only and is available to people who have previously attended an online class to help me test everything works – a little technical hitch between friends will be OK, right?! (I’m conscious that I don’t want anyone’s first experience of MissFits Workout® to be a bad one if technology lets us down!).
Monday’s online classes are still be available to book for individual sessions in the usual way.
So that’s everything we’ve got happening in May! It’s going to be a busy month!
One, two, skip a few…!
Finally, I wanted to mention something about missing classes, taking a break from exercise (or opting not to join in via Zoom) or moving on to a different form of exercise. Please do not feel the need to apologise for missing a class or for moving on to something new. I’m an advocate for practicing intuitive exercise and listening to your body – whether it’s to move it or rest it – the important thing is to do what is right for your body. I (of course) hope that it includes enjoying a MissFits Workout® but I appreciate that it might not! Above all else, my main aim is helping you to rekindle joy in moving your body – wherever and however you choose. If you’re moving your body in a way that feels good and serves YOU then I’ve done my job.
Whether you decide come back after a week, a month, year or longer – you will be welcomed back, just like you were at your very first class! How and when you choose to join us is totally up to you!
Thank you for reading this far!
Take care and stay safe!