• Bigger Faster Stronger is an introduction to exercise programme for currently inactive adults in bigger bodies who want to improve their health, wellbeing, strength, mobility and quality of life by moving more. This rolling programme of small group weekly sessions will allow those who are new to or returning to exercise to build confidence as well as fitness in a safe and supportive environment, led by a fitness instructor in a bigger body.

    You will be invited to attend 1 session/hour a week for six weeks and can start at any time during the programme.

    • Do you want to be more physically active but feel like your abilities or limitations are not always respected or understood?

    • Are you in a bigger body? (e.g. consider yourself to be plus size or have a high BMI?)

    • Would you like to feel more confident or empowered when you take part in physical activites?

    • Would you like to take part in movement sessions in a small and private group?

    • Would you like to work with a plus size instructor who understands the experience of exercise in a bigger body?

    • Would you like to feel the benefits of physical activity in the body you have now?

    • Would you like it all to be completely free to you?

    Then we can help you! The aim of the programme is to offer you a tailored and gentle introduction to movement on your terms. Physical activity can be beneficial, even in small amounts and this programme will help you to add small amounts of movement to your life without feeling like it has to be something unmanageable or unobtainable.

  • Body size is often linked to several complex, interconnecting issues that can impact wellbeing and quality of life. Amongst many others, these include weight stigma and internalised weight bias which can make accessing mainstream fitness settings inaccessible to people in bigger bodies.

    However, increased physical activity is associated with improvements in (regardless of weight change):

    • ‘obesity’-related health conditions (Gaesser & Angadi, 2021) 

    • cardiovascular fitness (Khalid et al., 2024; Ortega et al., 2018)

    • positive body image (Hausenblas & Fallon, 2006)

    • body satisfaction and quality of life (Carraça et al., 2021)

    This programme will offer 30 minute taster sessions on a variety of exercise styles (low to moderate impact/intensity) alongside 30 minute workshops exploring social support, motivation to move, stress, safety and body acceptance in relation to physical activity. This rolling programme of 6 sessions (weekly) will allow you to join at any time throughout the project and move on when you feel confident to try other physical activity.

  • You will be invited to attend 1 session/hour a week for six weeks and can start at any time during the programme.

    All activities are optional and you will be able to decide how much you want to get involved.

    Each session will be divided into two halves, one will be a workshop/discussion/reflection on one of the following subjects that relates to our relationship with movement/exercise:

    • social support

    • motivation

    • safety

    • stress

    • body acceptance

    • goal setting/tracking progress

    The other half of the session will be an opportunity to try a movement activity:

    • Chair-based dance

    • Resistance bands (chair-based if preferred)

    • Hand weights (chair-based if preferred)

    • Lifting/weights (chair-based if preferred)

    • Stretching and mindfulness (chair-based if preferred)

    • Playground session (our version of a low impact circuit training session - chair-based options available if preferred)

    The group is intentionally small (maximum 6 people) to ensure your individual needs can be met and so you can get what you need from each activity. Having permission to choose when to take part and when to observe is all part of the programme. You are in charge. You will never be expected to do something you don’t want to do.

    You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire to gather data relating to your physical activity and motivation to be physically active before the intervention, 2 and 12 weeks after completion/leaving the intervention to see if physical activity or motivation has increased as a result of taking part. Your information will be held securely (by MissFits Workout), will remain confidential and statistics will only be shared once anonymised.

  • Sessions will take place in our dedicated Movement Hub at Abbots Road Community Hall, Colchester.

    Sessions will take place on Monday mornings and Wednesday evenings from February until May 2025. You can choose to attend on either Mondays or Wednesdays.

  • The programme has been fully funded by the Colchester City Council - Public Health Grant 2024. MissFits Workout and Community Halls in Partnership applied jointly for funding for this pilot project.

    There is little evidence of this type of intervention for people in bigger bodies so this intervention provides a unique opportunity to gather such evidence. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire to gather data relating to their physical activity and motivation to be physically active before the intervention, 2 and 12 weeks after completion/leaving the intervention to see if physical activity or motivation has increased as a result of the intervention.

  • Increased physical activity is associated with improvements in

    • health conditions traditionally associated with weight (Gaesser & Angadi, 2021) 

    • cardiovascular fitness (Khalid et al., 2024; Ortega et al., 2018)

    • positive body image (Hausenblas & Fallon, 2006)

    • body satisfaction and quality of life (Carraça et al., 2021)

    Often regardless of weight change.

    Your weight may change if you are more active - but if it doesn’t, appropriate physical activity can still be beneficial to our health, wellbeing and quality of life.  

If you are interested in taking part, please complete this form

Once completed, you will be able to book your first session via the link provided at the end of the form. After attending your first session, you will then be booked into the following 5 weeks of the programme. Sessions start in February 2025, will be offered on a first come first served basis (to those who meet the selection criteria) and will be offered for a limited time.